Q28 – Energy Concepts

Unsere Leitfragen:

1. Was heisst für Sie “Energie” und wie definieren Sie es?
2. Wo sehen Sie den Ursprung der “Energie”?

Mit unserem Projekt über die Energie haben wir zwei zentrale Fragen verfolgt. Energie ist ein sehr aktuelles Thema, welches nicht nur die Jugend beschäftigt. Wir wollten mehr über die Hintergründe, Geschichte und Definition der Energie erfahren. Mit Recherche und zwei spannenden Interviews sind wir unserem Ziel näher gekommen.

Wir wünschen bei unserem Projekt viel Spass und freuen uns über Ihr Feedback!

Brief summary about our project

The main goal of our project was to figure out more about energy roots and sources.
We interviewed two of our teachers to ask them how they would define energy. We are very happy with our project because we learned something about energy; but please, have a look at our video if you want to see how a history teacher and a biologist answered our questions!

Interviews & Video

Um unseren Horizont zu erweitern, haben wir separate Interviews durchgeführt und spannende Antworten gekriegt. Das erste Interview haben wir mit unserem Geschichtslehrer Jürg Meili und das zweite mit unserer Mathematiklehrerin Eva Waiblinger, wobei sie aus Sicht einer Biologin unsere Fragen beantwortete, geführt. Wir danken Herr Meili und Frau Waiblinger herzlich für ihre Zeit.

Wie schon bei der Einleitung erwähnt, ist es ein Thema, das uns beschäftigt, darum war es auch in unserem Interesse, mehr darüber zu erfahren.

Besonders spannend fanden wir, mehr Informationen über die geschichtliche Entwicklung zu erhalten. Als Vorbereitung diskutierten wir zuerst über unsere eigenen Gedanken. Wir haben an die Steinzeit gedacht, als die Menschen ihr Feuer noch mit Steinen gemacht haben. Herr Meili führte uns auf eine Reise, die noch viel weiter zurück liegt.

Aber auch das Interview mit Frau Waiblinger hat uns überrascht. Da wir keine Biologie in der Schule haben, war für uns vieles neu! Wir wollen aber nicht zu viel verraten, schauen Sie doch selbst!

Dieses Projekt war auch für uns persönlich eine Bereicherung. Wir hoffen nun, dass Ihnen unser Video gefällt und Sie dadurch, wie wir auch, mehr über die „Energie“ erfahren werden.

All short videos used in our video by: www.videezy.com
Music: Amazing & Beautiful Cinematic Background Music For Videos

Hier noch das ganze Interview als PDF-Dokument:
Interview T&U_Q28

Jessica & Natalie


☷ See the project teams here »
☵ Some words about the contributions »

6 thoughts on “Q28 – Energy Concepts

  1. Thanks! A beautiful video. I found it interesting to \”catch the question on or even under the root\”. Three absolute different points of view of one term. I think there are near infinite varying viewpoints possible, in nearly all human sciences/topics & arts, p.ex. psychology, painting or even dancing and so on! Perhaps everything has to do with/is energy.

  2. Dear Energy-Concept-Group
    First of all, you made an amazing Video. I really like how it\’s created and on this video we can see that you are very creative and it looks very professional. The information you gave in the videos is very good and interesting. I like the switch between meanings from other persons and facts, which you included in this video. It looks like you really made some thoughts about how you can get our attention. I also think you have very good interview partners and they are good references.

    You have the perfect mix between information and creativity in this video. Congratulation for your work.

    Adrian Leuthold, VzB

  3. Dear Energy-Concept-Group
    I totally agree with Robin, your project is well done, the video shows elements of energy and our world which perfectly fits together. The pictures, the music and the words were wisely choosen. You have really put together a good contribution – excellent!
    Maximiliane Egli, VZ B

  4. Dear Q28-Team
    Wow! Such a cool video you made! The music in the background is so suitable and has made me felt thoughful… It is so true that these questions are concerning us in so many ways. Even our generation which will be next to decide what is going to be with our planet.

    I think you have chosen your interviewpartners so well. Mr. Meili and also Mrs. Weiblinger are good references and I\’m convinced that their answers are carefully considered. It is interesting that they have different meanings and sights about the same question!

    Maybe it would be great if you had an answer from an expert which is working in this branch. Or you could do a survey where you would get more and different opinions. What do you think about? There are very easy and cool survey-tools on the net. Just google for \”survey-monkey\” or there will be a lot of other tools.

    Selina Schönbächler VZa

  5. Dear Energy-Concept-Group
    For your project you decided to answer two wide and fundamental questions. The way you did that with the interviews and the video is what I like. The video shows in a very appropriate way the answers of your interview partners, underlined with convenient background clips. When I read the written part I wanted to know more, therefore I tried to open the PDF-document at the end of the page. Unfortunately I couldn’t do that when not signed into the horse-website. Please check the linking between the document and the DWME-website! The visual part of your project looks very professional. It makes me asking myself “what is energy”. Hopefully others would also have this personal effect.
    Robin Schlosser, VZ A

    1. Hi Robin

      Your comment is much appreciated. We\’ll take care of the linking between the pdf document & the DWME-website and make it work asap!

      Team Q28

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