About the Energy Website Project 2015/16

dwMEdon’t waste My Energy !

dwME is a project that has been initiated in the context of the new subject “Technology & Environment” (Technik & Umwelt) at the vocational business school KV Wetzikon, Zurich, Switzerland. Forty-three vocational students (full-time) created a website on the subject of energy – www.dontwastemy.energy in cooperating teams! Although the students were supported technically and methodologically by professionals the projects are based on their ideas and their commitment. With this in mind a gross topic concept in the sense of a guide has been co-created and forms the framework:

Students’ Questions: There are 70 Students’ Questions, some of them are going to be answered by the research teams of BM2 VZ. Each research team is responsible for the answer of at least one question.

Students’ Answers: The main goal of each research team is to give interesting, creative and qualified answers to at least one of the questions. The concept and chosen methods and techniques for answering the question have to be proposed and accepted by the Teacher T&U.

Experts’ Comments: For each answered question there is at least one expert’s comment needed. The research team can make suggestions to the Teacher T&U.

Language: English with an abstract in German or vice versa.

FACTSHEET: Factsheet-Lehr-Lernweb-The-Horse (PDF)

Short presentation of the energy website “don’t waste My Energy!” – dwME! Die Website dontwastemy.energy kurz vorgestellt (of schwiizerdütsch):

This video shows how the school and learning platform called “The horse” is structured and how it works. Die Erarbeitungsgrundlage für dieses Website-Projekt (of schwiizerdütsch):

Bili, Methodisch-didaktischer Rahmen

More about “The horse” concept

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☷ See the project teams here »
☵ Some words about the contributions »
☴ Our sponsors and partners » (the-horse.education)

3 thoughts on “About the Energy Website Project 2015/16

  1. I know myself that the competence-based teaching CLIL (\”Content and language integrated learning\”) is not so easy and quiet new. But I like your approach very much with the websites as an instrument and a product in the end. Its worth to try it in due time too.

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